OMSI 2 10

11 Jun 2022 at 14:13

PAZ 3205 T529KE14 version 1.0 for OMSI 2

Made according to a real prototype. Added:

- Routes;
- Stickers;
- Dimensions.


- Conductor's place;
- Steering wheel from Aurora;
- Changed the texture of the covers;
- Carpet;
- Shelf;
- Mirrors (changed);
- Pennant;
- Curtains (2 types);
- Tablet.

Happy gaming and have a nice day!

3 Jun 2022 at 12:07

VAZ 2121 4Х4 Niva for OMSI 2

Legendary Lada Niva 4x4 for Omsi 2.

- Maximum speed: 110 km/h;
- Various parts open: doors, hood, other (except for the fuel tank cap);
- Color selection.

2 Jun 2022 at 16:59

Volkswagen Golf 2 GTI version 1.2 for OMSI 2

Mod for OMSI 2 adds a passenger car Volkswagen Golf 2 GTI. It has good textures and a choice of color. Both automatic and manual transmission.

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