Materials of the author «Courseplay.devTeam» 2

2 Jul 2022 at 12:54

License Plate Manager version for Farming Simulator 2022

The mod prohibits the use of the same license plates on multiple vehicles. A window has also been added to the room configuration menu, where all used numbers are listed.

12 Apr 2022 at 17:49

Click To Switch version for Farming Simulator 2022

- Improved mouse handling with Courseplay and AutoDrive;
- Fixed bug to enable switching to a vehicle, while a helper is active.
Simply click on the target vehicle with the mouse and enter it, instead of cycling through each vehicle.

- RMB: enable/disable the mouse cursor;
- Pressing the LMB on the vehicle: enter the vehicle;
- Alternative keyboard shortcut for the cursor: right Ctrl+C;
- Alternative mouse cursor on/off: left Ctrl + C.

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