Materials of the author «devTeam» 2

12 Jun 2023 at 16:51

CoursePlay version for Farming Simulator 2022 (v1.9x)

- Fixed a bug where the harvester slowed down by the remaining 1.5% to smooth out the harvester's stop;
- Added progress showing fill level in % since launch;
- Fixed a bug due to which the loader did not lower the bucket when working with silage;
- Changed the help menu for working with bales;
- Fixed other issues, including one that caused an error when working with bales.
Courseplay allows you to generate field courses with additional features, for example: headlands. It also enables the usage of balers and foragewagons, that can be send on the same course, as a mower or harvester from before.

Another big feature is the collecting or wraping of bales on the field. New with this iteration of CP is the vine fieldwork. Fieldwork courses can be setup in multitool mode, which allows the use of up to 5 driver working in a convoy on the same field.

It's also possible to have the combine unload in a trailer on/near the field automatically. Custom fieldborders can be assigned for courseplay to use, for example: in case of a meadow, which isn't recognised as a normal field. Lastly cp has a interface for Autodrive, which allows for refilling of a seeder at a nearby silo or unloading a foragewagon and so on.

Official github page.

15 Jan 2023 at 18:41

CoursePlay version for Farming Simulator 2019 (v1.7.x)

Courseplay is a mod for Farming Simulator 19. It fills your game with a complete new AI worker system, allowing you to hire help in a completely new & amazing way!

When using Courseplay you can set up help all around your farm, they can help you with regular field work, unloading your combine, sell harvest or just drop it in your silo. Need help filling a bunker? have Courseplay help you!
You can have loads of worker driving around your farm automatically helping you out. With a little tweaking, Courseplay can fill a bunker or a trailer with a shovel, level and compact silage and much much more...
Make your own fully automatic farm that fits your play style perfectly!

Courseplay does not replace the in game worker system, it makes a new AI worker that can run side by side with your regular farm workers.

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