Total files: 18693
4 Apr 2022 at 15:26

Oshkosh MTVR version Full for SpinTires (v2014)

Medium Tactical Vehicle Replacement (MTVR). American military truck with a bunch of addons (15 pieces) without possibility to change the wheels.

4 Apr 2022 at 15:25

T-150K version 2 for SpinTires (v2014)

Conversion for Spintires 2013 by hz888. T 150K is a tractor that is produced at Kharkiv. Its purpose is transportation, agricultural and other work.

31 Mar 2022 at 15:45

Annaburger HTS 20.12 version for Farming Simulator 2022

- Added AI support;
- Fixed the model;
- Fixed HUB;
- Other corrections.
- Capacity: from 19 m3 to 25 m3;
- Cost: 29,000 euros;
- Required power: 140 hp;
- Maximum weight: 20 tons.

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