Search results for the phrase «Placeable Pumpkins»: 134 matches

9 Aug 2022 at 14:29

Map "Dabrowka" version for Farming Simulator 2022

Two farms with placeable buildings. You can breed cows or pigs.

- 8 selling points;
- 2 villages;
- 2 forests;
- Mask of the seasons;
- 105 fields of different sizes.

Beautiful Polish style.

19 Aug 2022 at 13:47

Digital Clock version for Farming Simulator 2022

Digital clock, placeable. Display in-game time. There are 2 options in the pack: a small wall-mounted one, and on a pole (2 m). Price: 250-500 euros.

17 Sep 2022 at 15:46

Fueltank Emiliana Serbatoi version for Farming Simulator 2022

A pack of placeable filling points. Place them on the map to be able to refuel your equipment.

23 Apr 2023 at 11:15

MaizePlus version for Farming Simulator 2022 (v1.9x)

- Fixed bug with mower;
- Added support for silage additives;
- Optional foil colors.
MaizePlus is a global Mod with various changes and additions. The main focus is on the making of silage and feeding.

Amongst other things this Mod adds the differentiation between grass-silage and maize-silage as well as other silage-types:
- grass-silage
- maize-silage
- ccm and ccm-silage
- brewers grain and brewers grain silage
- beetcut and beetcut silage
- wholecrop silage

You can also add potatocut to grass-silage and beetcut to maize-silage. Luprosil can be added to CCM-silage.

In addition to that you can make grass-silage in bales of course, but also maize-silage and whole crop silage can also be made.
For that the chopped maize or fresh whole crop needs to be baled and wrapped, this works globally on all balers and wrappers that use default bale sizes.

Bunkersilos have also been extended with a little feature, you can store and cover potatos and sugarbeet in them, of course without compacting and fermenting them.

Another addition that comes with this Mod are changes to the drying steps/stages for grass. There are now 4 different stages of grass:
- wet grass (mowed without conditioner)
- conditioned grass (mowed with conditioner or wet grass tedded 1x)
- semidry grass (+1 tedding)
- hay (+1 tedding)
The stage of which the tedder tedds to can be set with a key-binding, thus you can select which stage the tedder should output no matter the input. Therefor people who don't want to tedd multiple times can simply set it to the final or desired step.
This system is also implemented into mowers where you can select whether the mower has a conditioner or not. If you want to play realistically you can select the "conditioner" feature only for mowers that have a conditioner.
But if you don't want those extra steps in hay/silage production you can simply skip the wet step this way also.
That means that you decide if you want to play like vanilla/basegame or the more detailed version, and how detailed/many steps you want.
Of course that is globally present in all mowers and tedders.

A little additional feature for mowers is the ability to mow grains into whole crop windrows, those can then be baled or collected with a forage wagon and driven to a bunker silo.

Another part of this mod is the extension and adjustment of the feeding system.

Not only the new silage types and related bale-types are added to the feeding, this mod also adds a bunch of branded new feeds into the store:
- roughage by Hartog, NATUREgreen and Eifel-Heu
- power-feed, mineral-feed and feed-suppliments by deuka (single sacks, pallets, bigBags and placeable buying stations)
- molasses (IBC container)
- CCM-silage in bales
- filtered water (IBC container)
- water (IBC container)
- clover-hay and clover-silage in bales
- alfalfa-hay and alfalfa-silage in bales
- carrots (in pallet-boxes)
- potatos (in pallet-boxes)
- beetcut and potatocut (placeable buying station)

Additionally MaizePlus adds the ability to switch between multiple recipes for the mixed rations in the mixer wagons. Of course this works via key-binding and is globally added to all mixer-wagons.
Aside the vanilla recipe this mod adds 4 new recipes for cows and 1 recipe for vanilla pig food.
Not only the components for feeding but also the amount animals eat is adjusted with this mod.
Both the recipes and the amount animals eat can be adjusted individually in an XML file within the For more info about that please refer to the PDF file.

Another little feature that comes with MaizePlus is the ability for Straw-blowers to not only dissolve straw-bales but also hay, silage and other bales, of course again globally for all strawblowers.

Now to the vehicles that come with MaizePlus:
- Stade ZW4010 CCM Mill:
This Mill is used to mill maize to CCM, it can also mill grain to graingrist

- MAN TGS18.500 4x4 in Stade livery:
For example to pull or power the Stade Mill

- MAN TGS18.500 4x4 with MK-Silo Trailer in deuka livery: (thanks to Kastor)
Ideal for transporting deuka feeds in bulk

- Grassland-subsoiler:
This can be used to subsoil grassland. It removes the need to plough and adds a fertilizer stage. The grassland does not get plowed/damaged.

- Small cutter-roll 3m:
Cutter-roll functions from basegame

And lastly the placeables added by this mod:
+ deuka buying station (small and big buying station)
+ Small and big deuka storage silo
+ Brewers grain buying station
+ Beetcut buying station
+ 3 smaller bunker silos

You can find a detailed explanation for everything here: README

Permissions for Textures or other Content of MaizePlus can only be optained through Farming Agency.

7 Apr 2023 at 16:24

Map "Hagenstedt" version for Farming Simulator 2022

A new save is not required.

- Added new products from Platinum Expansion (at the docks, at the port);
- Now you can store bale and straw in default sheds;
- Fixed a bug with the sale of lime;
- Other improvements and fixes.
- 43 fields;
- BGA;
- Points for the placement of various building;
- New placeable objects.

13 Dec 2022 at 0:30

Boar Statue version for Farming Simulator 2022 (v1.7x)

A purchasable, placeable statue.

- Purchase price: 0 €;
- Maintenance: 0 €.

15 May 2023 at 18:17

Map "Fichthal" version for Farming Simulator 2022

- Fixed collision of bushes.
- 240 purchasable plots, of which 50 are forest areas;
- 131 fields;
- 18 meadows;
- Various productions;
- 1 BGA;
- 7 farms with 4 pens for animals;
- Various purchasable and placeable buildings;
- Collectibles.

1 Nov 2022 at 17:27

Halloween Pack version for Farming Simulator 2022

Objects on the theme of Halloween. Pumpkins with different patterns and cutouts.

- Price: $100.

23 Nov 2022 at 16:41

Fillable Tanks version for Farming Simulator 2022

A pack of multiple placeable and wearable liquid tanks. RT2000:

- Price: $800;
- Capacity: 2000 l.


- Price: $800;
- Capacity: 2000 l.


- Price: $650;
- Capacity: 1500 l.


- Price: $400;
- Capacity: 1000 l.

8 Dec 2022 at 23:26

Ironore Mine version for Farming Simulator 2022 (v1.8x)

A purchasable, placeable iron ore mine from the Platinum Expansion DLC.

- Price: 80,000 €;
- Working lighting;
- Necessary: fuel;
- Products: iron ore.

The mod requires the Platinum Expansion DLC to work.

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