Flagstaff Revisited
version 0.1 for Euro Truck Simulator 2 (v1.47.x)
A small mod that brings the city of Flagstaff to life. Added several events, pedestrians crossing sidewalks, crashes, parked cars and trucks, a bustling restaurant, birds, smoke, steam coming out of the sewers, a bus stop with tourists, etc. and some wildlife.
This mod does not change the layout of the roads, so don't expect it to be a complete overhaul of the Flagstaff map. Should work with any map that doesn't change the Flagstaff area in Arizona.
Flagstaff Revisited
version 0.1 for American Truck Simulator (v1.47.x)
A small mod that brings the city of Flagstaff to life. Added several events, pedestrians crossing sidewalks, crashes, parked cars and trucks, a bustling restaurant, birds, smoke, steam coming out of the sewers, a bus stop with tourists, etc. and some wildlife.
This mod does not change the layout of the roads, so don't expect it to be a complete overhaul of the Flagstaff map. Should work with any map that doesn't change the Flagstaff area in Arizona.
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